Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's a fine line

When do you go from being a quitter to wisely cutting your loses and moving on?

When I decided I wanted a cover stitch machine, I made the decision not to be frustrated by it. I would choose to see every obstacle as surmountable and I'd just slow down and tackle that problem. I have, in the past, tended to create artificial time lines in my head that magnify the significance of a problem, causing me to accept poor quality work or to give up on a technique. I resolved to change. My successful sewing was to be measured by being an adventure, not by a production quota.

I wanted a binding on a thin jersey. I think it's rayon/lycra. I got it at Joann's. I tried it and it was a disaster, but I remembered a solution where you interface a thin jersey, so that was my first step. I used a fusible knit interfacing. Didn't work. I cut different width strips. Didn't work. I moved my adjusters on my binding attachment numerous times. Didn't work. I took day-long breaks and even did a UDP (undocumented project). At least I hadn't given up.

This morning I moved this project into the coveted "first thing in the morning when I'm most patient and smart" spot, a rare thing for a sewing project. I still couldn't make it work.

I felt like there was one more adjustment I could make, but I was running out of ideas and patience. As I sewed, I prayed, not so much that my sewing would work, but that I was quitting appropriately. I also prayed for those in India, and how lucky I am to be fussing over some sewing. I felt thankful for all I had, even failed sewing, and boom, out came an acceptable binding!

I went for it and bound my edge. Not bad! After six days of work, I'm quite pleased with this!

Does God hear your sewing prayers?


Summerset said...

Yes, I believe He does. Good for you for not giving up. I've been there and have had moments of wanting to pitch every single attempt at something in the trash.

Anonymous said...

That's a great story! Yes, we *are* lucky...even when our overlocker has gone to hell in a handbasket. Mine certainly has. :)

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! You did an extremely professional job! I truly believe God hears sewing prayers. I know I've sent up an awful lot of them while trying to teach myself to sew. I'm so glad you just kept at it. That's what I'm trying to do--when something just doesn't work properly I keep trying until I get it right. It can be so frustrating sometimes. You really did a wonderful job. You should be very proud of yourself!!

Lisa Laree said...

This is totally unrelated to sewing, but here's a cyber hug for you... {H}

Lisa Laree said...

And yes, God has heard my sewing prayers many times! :D

velosews said...

The result you've created is really professional.