Saturday, July 28, 2007


I accidentally made a pair of dress pants. If you don't know how someone could accidentally sew something, imagine you are at a party, don't plan to eat dessert, but someone places some cheesecake right in front of you. A little later, you notice it's gone. You've accidentally eaten it.

Sewing is just as tempting.

Although I started my first post by saying that I was on an exercise clothes sewing jag, I was interrupted by the need to figure out how to start a blog, use my camera, store and upload pictures, etc. In the meantime, I needed some sewing to do to relax between learning new things. Before I knew it, I'd made pair of pants, sans photos of process. I'm a good sewer, bad blogger.

I won't go into detail on this pair. They are made from a modification of a pants pattern whose original identity is long gone. The pattern had an elastic waist. I took out the gather room with curved seams and darts and added a back zipper for this pair. They have multiple fitting problems under the blouse. I'll be making more in the fall and I'll give more info then as I modify the pattern.

I used a rayon/poly blend from Joann's, but they feel awfully hot, more than the poly content led me to anticipate back when I remembered what it was. Oh well, as a wearable muslin of my new adaptation of this pattern, they are OK. I'd wear them to work if I was in a bad mood.

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